How To Sharpen A Hunting Knife

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A sharp hunting knife is an essential tool for any hunter or outdoors enthusiast. Not only is it necessary for field-dressing games, but it can also come in handy for a variety of other tasks such as preparing food, cutting rope, and carving wood.

A sharp knife not only makes these tasks easier but also safer as it is less likely to slip and cause injury. Additionally, a sharp knife requires less effort to use, which can be especially important in survival situations where every ounce of energy counts.

In this article, we will go over the steps and materials needed to properly sharpen your hunting knife, so that it will be ready for any task that comes your way.

Materials Needed

Sharpening a hunting knife is an important task that should be done regularly to ensure the knife is ready for use when needed. To sharpen your knife, you will need a few key materials. These materials include:

1. Honing Stone

A honing stone is the most important tool for sharpening a knife. It is a flat piece of material, typically made of a hard abrasive substance such as diamond or ceramic, that is used to grind the edge of the knife. There are different grits available, from coarse to fine, depending on the condition of the knife’s edge.

2. Honing Oil

Honing oil is used to lubricate the honing stone and protect it from wear and tear. It also helps to remove metal particles that are created during the sharpening process.

3. Strop

A strop is a strip of leather or other material used to polish and refine the edge of the knife after it has been sharpened. The strop removes any burrs or roughness on the edge, leaving it razor-sharp.

4. Knife clamp or vice

It is helpful to have a clamp or vice to hold the knife securely while you sharpen it. This will help keep your hand steady and prevent any accidents.

5. Optional

An angle guide can be helpful for beginners to keep the proper angle while sharpening.

It is important to note that these materials can be found at most hardware or outdoor stores, and can also be purchased online. It is worth investing in good quality honing stone and strop as they will last longer and give better results.

In the next steps of this article, we will go over how to properly use these materials to sharpen your hunting knife. Remember to always use caution when handling a knife and to follow all safety guidelines.

Preparing the Knife

Before you begin sharpening your hunting knife, it is important to properly prepare the knife and your work area. By doing this, you will ensure that the sharpening process goes smooth and that your knife is ready for use when you are finished. Here are the steps to prepare your knife for sharpening:

1. Clean the blade

Before you begin sharpening, make sure that the blade is clean and free of any debris or dirt. Use a soft cloth or brush to wipe down the blade and remove any dirt or grime.

2. Secure the knife

It is important to ensure that the knife is securely held while sharpening. You can use a knife clamp or vice to hold the knife in place. Make sure that the knife is securely clamped and that the blade is held at a stable angle.

3. Set up your sharpening station

Make sure you have all the materials you need for sharpening within easy reach. This includes the honing stone, honing oil, strop, and angle guide if you are using one. Also, make sure that you have a clean and well-lit work area.

4. Check the blade’s angle

Before starting, check the blade’s angle. The angle should be between 15-20 degrees. An angle guide can be helpful for beginners to keep the proper angle while sharpening.

5. Safety first

Always use caution when handling a knife and follow all safety guidelines. Keep your fingers away from the sharp edge of the blade at all times.

In the next step, we will go over how to properly use the honing stone to sharpen your hunting knife. Remember to always use caution and follow all safety guidelines.

Sharpening Your Knife Using A Honing Stone

Sharpening a hunting knife using a honing stone is a relatively simple process that can be done at home with a little bit of practice. By following these instructions and tips, you will be able to achieve a razor-sharp edge on your hunting knife.

Here’s How To Do It:

1. Apply honing oil to the honing stone

Before you begin sharpening, apply a small amount of honing oil to the surface of the honing stone. This will help to lubricate the stone and protect it from wear and tear. It also helps remove metal particles created during the sharpening process.

2. Hold the knife at the proper angle

Hold the knife at a 20-degree angle to the honing stone. The angle should be consistent throughout the sharpening process. An angle guide can be helpful for beginners to keep the proper angle while sharpening.

3. Make passes on each side of the blade

Starting with one side of the blade, make several passes over the honing stone, keeping the angle consistent. After several passes on one side, flip the knife and repeat the process on the other side. The number of passes will depend on the condition of the blade and the desired level of sharpness. As a general rule, make at least 10 passes on each side.

4. Check the edge

Check the edge of the blade after several passes on each side. If the edge is sharp, you can move on to honing and stropping. If it still needs more work, continue making passes on each side until the desired level of sharpness is achieved.

Tips and tricks for achieving a razor-sharp edge:

1. Use a honing stone with a fine grit

 A honing stone with fine grit will create a sharper edge than coarse grit.

2. Keep the angle consistent

Consistently holding the knife at a 20-degree angle to the honing stone throughout the sharpening process is essential for achieving a razor-sharp edge.

3. Use honing oil

Honing oil will lubricate the honing stone and protect it from wear and tear. It also helps remove metal particles created during the sharpening process.

4. Use a strop

After honing the edge, use a strop to further refine and polish the edge, removing any burrs or roughness on the edge.

By following these instructions and tips, you will be able to achieve a razor-sharp edge on your hunting knife. Remember, always use caution when handling a knife and follow all safety guidelines. Sharpening a knife regularly will prolong its life and make it a more effective tool.


What is the best angle to hold the knife while sharpening?

The best angle to hold the knife while sharpening is around 20 degrees. This angle ensures that the edge is sharpened evenly and consistently. An angle guide can be helpful for beginners to keep the proper angle while sharpening.

What honing stone grit should I use?

The grit of the honing stone you use will depend on the condition of the blade. For a very dull or damaged blade, a coarse grit honing stone is recommended. For a blade that is just in need of a touch-up, a fine grit honing stone is recommended.

How many passes should I make on each side of the blade?

The number of passes you make on each side of the blade will depend on the condition of the blade and the desired level of sharpness. As a general rule, make at least 10 passes on each side.


In conclusion, having a sharp hunting knife is an essential tool for any hunter or outdoors enthusiast. By following the steps outlined in this article and using the appropriate materials, you will be able to sharpen your hunting knife to a razor-sharp edge.

Properly preparing the knife and your work area, using a honing stone and honing oil, and stropping the knife are all important steps in the sharpening process. Additionally, tips and tricks such as using a fine grit honing stone, keeping the angle consistent, and using honing oil and strop, can help you achieve a razor-sharp edge.

A sharp knife is not only easier and safer to use, but it is also a vital tool that can come in handy in a variety of situations. Keep your hunting knife sharp, and it will be ready for any task that comes your way.

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